Digital Accessibility

Disability is defined as "any limited activity or restriction on participation in life in society affecting a person in his or her environment due to a significant, sustainable or permanent impairment of one or more physical, sensory, mental, cognitive or psychological functions, a multiple disability or a disabling health disorder" (Article L. 114 of the French Social Action and Family Code).

Digital accessibility consists of making online public communication services accessible to all people with disabilities and benefits everyone: the elderly, people with temporary disabilities, people with limited Internet skills, people with medical constraints.
Digital accessibility is part of an approach to equality and inclusion, and constitutes a major political and social issue, with the objective of ensuring information and online services accessibility to all, without any discrimination.

Commitments for employees with disabilities

Orano reinforce its commitments for employees with disabilities.
At Orano, we think that diversity is an asset and a performance factor.  Digital accessibility is a cross-cutting issue relevant to everyone involved in the creation, maintenance and use of digital devices: decision-makers, project managers, graphic designers, developers and content producers.
Officially committed since 2008 to the employment, inclusion and retention of people with disabilities, Orano is pursuing its strategy aimed at making its digital content accessible everywhere and to everyone. As Orano committed to in the 2021/2023 company agreement, signed on February 2, 2021, by all the trade unions, digital accessibility is valued in the company: “To ensure its proper application, Orano is implementing a three-year scheme (2021-2023) including an action plan to bring digital media into compliance with the RGAA. Orano is also integrating the RGAA into its business processes for purchasing, diversity, training, communication and IS, etc.”

In addition, a manifesto for the inclusion of people with disabilities in economic life was signed on November 13, 2019 by Philippe Knoche, Orano’s Chief Executive Officer, with around a hundred executives from large companies.
In 2020, the rate of employees with disabilities was 4.58%; or 697 employees integrated into Orano teams.
Raising awareness, exchanging and sharing about the work of people with disabilities is essential. To find out about Orano's approach to this subject, please visit our Commitments page.

Accessibility statement

OranoBox undertakes to make its website accessible in accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005.  

Compliance Status

The Oranosite is in partial compliance with RGAA 4.1 Double-A (AA) level due to the non-conformities and deviations listed below.  

Test results 

The compliance audit carried out by Ipedis reveals that the compliance rate is 46.77%:  

• 29 compliant criteria  
• 33 non-compliant criteria  
• 44 non-applicable criteria  

Non-accessible content   

The contents listed below are not accessible for the following reasons.  

Several elements of non-compliance are described in this document, some of which are recurrent on several pages:  

• The OranoBox logo does not have an alternative that allows one to deduce its use 
• The decorative images do not have an empty alt attribute 
• The curve does not have a detailed description allowing a visually impaired person to have the same level of information 
• The frame containing the video does not have a title 
• The contrast between the text and the background is insufficient 
• The contrast between the graphic and its background is not sufficient 
• The video does not have a text transcript 
• The video is not clearly identifiable by the screen reader 
• The video is not controllable by the keyboard 
• Links to glossary letters are not explicit to the screen reader 
• The image links of the cards do not have a title 
• The button does not have a title 
• The button to scroll the map is not reachable by the screen reader 
• The source code of the page contains errors 
• The page title is not translated when switching from English to French 
• Part of the title of a card under the storage theme is in English when the page is in French 
• An html tag (<p>) is used for presentation purposes 
• The titles of the themes (elements of the "stage") are not in a <hx> title tag 
• The elements under each theme should correctly be in a list 
• There is no background declaration for the titles 
• The focus capture is not visible 
• The third image intended to be hidden is read by the screen reader 
• The navigation buttons disappear when the window is 256px high 
• The field has no label 
• The checkboxes are not grouped 
• There is no indication of a visible mandatory field that allows the user to identify the field in question by name before validating the form 
• There is no suggestion of e-mail format, nor of name, nor of first name, nor of valid company name 
• The page does not have a search bar or a site map 
• Page areas do not have a corresponding WAI-ARIA role 
• Absence of skip links 
• Incorrect tab order 
• Many maps are not accessible by keyboard tabulation 
• The PDF is not accessible and does not contain a version that is accessible 

Establishment of this declaration of accessibility   

This statement was made on 31/03/2022.  

Technologies used for the website development:  

• HTML5  
• CSS  
• JavaScript  

The tests of the web pages were performed with the following combinations of user agents and screen readers:  

• NVDA with Firefox  

The following tools were used in the evaluation:  
• Web Developer Toolbar 
• Focus  
• Accesibility Color Picker WCAG 
• Accessibility insights for web 
• Axe dev tools 
• Compéthance Référenciel RGAA 4.1 
• Taba11y 
• Zoom Text Only 

Pages of the site having been the subject of the verification of conformity:  
• Home  
• Contact  
• Terms of use  
• Privacy policy  
• Authentication  
• Catalogue  
• Page solution  
• My Account  
• Password  
• My selection  
• My Subscription  
• Glossaire  

Feedback and contact 

If you are unable to access any content or service, you can contact the website manager to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another form.  

Contact the Orano Group's Digital Accessibility referent at the following email address  

Contact channels  

This procedure is to be applied in the following case:  

You have reported to the website manager a lack of accessibility that prevents you from accessing any of the content or services of the portal and you have not received a satisfactory response.  

• Write a message to the Defender of Rights  
• Contact the Advocate's delegate in your region   
• Send a mail by post (free of charge, do not put a stamp)   
Défenseur des droits Libre réponse 71120 75342 Paris CEDEX 07