LEA (Laboratory of standards of activity) at a glance

Radioactive sources are used on a daily basis in nuclear medicine departments, nuclear facilities, laboratories or research centers. LEA, an Orano subsidiary located at the heart of the industrial platform of Tricastin (Drome, France) produces and distributes these sources.

LEA is COFRAC* accredited for calibration in the field of ionizing radiation and is also linked to the French primary laboratory (Laboratoire national Henri Becquerel) to guarantee the traceability to the International System of Units (SI).

Besides the thousands of sources proposed in its catalogue for more than 20 years, LEA also develops tailor-made sources to answer specific needs. Among them LEA manufactured calibration sources for the control of nuclear reactors embedded in the new Barracuda submarines.

Thanks to its history, its skills and of its partners' wide network, LEA can safely supply and recover thousands of radioactive sources per year, to hundreds of customers in France and abroad, respecting all current normative and regulatory requirements.


* LEA is accredited by COFRAC for calibration activities in ionizing radiations (carried n ° 2-6386 available on www.cofrac.fr).